This short flow only takes 10 minutes and is a great way to release tension and increase mobility through the hips and hamstrings. While doing this flow it is so important to listen to your body and do what feels good for you. Work within your own range of motion and move your body wth kindness!
Downward Dog
Bring the palms just wider than the shoulders, turn the hands out slightly, spread the fingers and press evenly through all parts of the hand. Lift the hips up towards the ceiling and soften the knees, drawing down through the heels. Relax the head, drawing the chin to the chest. In this pose, the spine is long and stable as the core is engaged. Shoulder blades draw down the back. Begin with the knees bent and pedal gently, moving with the breath. Hold for 4-6 breaths.
3-Legged Dog
From Downward Facing Dog, keep the core engaged and lift one leg straight up into the air. Rotate the lifted leg so that the knee points downwards and draw down through the palms and supporting foot. Option to bend the knee to further open through the hips. The supporting leg remains strong, and shoulders are squared to the mat. Hold for 3 breaths.
Crescent Lunge
From 3-Legged Dog, bring the lifted foot through the midline and plant the foot between the hands. Engage the core and inner thighs for stability, and slowly raise the arms overhead. Draw the shoulder blades down. The front knee is at 90 degrees and stacked over the ankle and hips are squared to the front of the mat. Draw the pubic done down and naval to ribcage and breath deeply for 3-5 breaths.
Runners Lunge
From Crescent Lunge, release the hands to the floor, directly underneath the shoulders. Maintain strong core engagement, tuck the chin, and lean forward slightly to release through the hips.
Pigeon Pose
From Runners Lunge pose, lower the front knee and shin to the floor, keeping the back leg extended long behind you. If possible, aim to bring the front heel up creating a right angle from the front knee to further open the hips. Find a foot position that works for you within your range of motion. Exhale to sink the torso down towards the floor, opening further through the hips, stretching through the muscles and joints within your legs, reducing stiffness in the back body and groin. Hold here for 5-10 breaths.
Half Splits Pose
Moving out of Pigeon Pose, extend the front leg, placing the foot between the hands as you sink the hips back. The front leg extends out long with the toes flexed towards the face. If you can, drop the head on an exhale to lengthen through the back of the neck. Fingers are light on the ground. This pose is fantastic for stretching and releasing through the hamstrings and back body. Breath deeply into the back of the legs for 3-5 breaths.
Lizard Pose
Return to a low lunge position from Half Splits Pose and bring the hands around to the inside of the front foot. Hold here for a few breaths allowing the hips to grow heavy. The back leg extends out long behind you, with the option to have the knee lifted or resting on the floor. If possible, lower to the forearms and drop the head to lengthen through the back of the neck. This pose provides a deep stretch for the hamstrings, hip flexors, and back body. Hold for 3-5 breaths.
From Lizard, return to Downward Dog and repeat on the other side.
Forward Fold
Standing with the feet hip distance apart, inhale the arms up overhead and exhale as you float them to the ground. Let the crown of the head hang down as you press the heels to the ground and lift the tailbone to the sky. Let the body hang here for 5-7 breaths, releasing through the spine, back of the legs and neck.
Butterfly Pose
From Forward Fold, make your way into an easy seated position. Bring the soles of the feet together, sitting up tall to lengthen through the spine and gently draw shoulders down. Draw down through the sit bones and knees. Begin to lower the head to the floor if possible and if it feels right for you. Pause for 3-5 breaths here.
Double Legged Forward Fold
Extend both legs out long in front of you. Inhale the arms overhead, and exhale to fold down, reaching for the toes. Tuck the chin and release through the back of the neck. If possible, drop the head, deepening the stretch through the back of the legs and back body. Hold for 3-5 breaths. If you like, you can place a cushion or bolster on the top of your legs to help support the torso in this position.
Copyright © Tabi May Life
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